So in the footsteps of my fellow bloggers, I decided I should too catch up on life. As Jenny put it, the longer you are away from it, the harder it is to start back up. Life is back to normal craziness after a summer that went by in the blink of an eye. The kids only had 7 weeks off this year due to starting so late last year so we have been back to school for 2 weeks now. Vanna is in 2nd grade and thinks she is grown. She already has the attitude of a teenager and can cut her eyes with the best of them (have no idea where she got it from because I was an angel - must be from dad's side). She is still in gymnastics and doing well. Tryouts are just a few months away for the competitive team so she is working hard for that. Tyler has left the 7th grade school which he hated and is now onto Jr. High. So far so good. Hopefully we will not have any homework issues like we had last year. He will be getting his permit next year so we are holding a car over his head every chance we get. He is the typical teenager, loving at one moment and moody the next. Jackson is a hoot and I can't believe he is going to be 2 on Thanksgiving. He is very tall - almost as tall as some of the 3 year olds at daycare. He has a head of curly hair and like his sister, thinks he is grown. He loves the movie Cars and anything that has Lightening McQueen and Mater makes his day. It is really surreal when I think that he is our last so I guess I appreciate the things he does a bit more. I have a really hard time staying mad at my baby, but trust me he does deserve it more often than not. The terrible two's have come early at the Lassey house.
Life is quite uncertain for the next few years. Donnie is on orders to Korea in March for a year. We are by no means complaining because he was on orders for Germany for 2 years with a year in combat, so we will take this new assignment without complaint. We are debating whether or not to put the house up for sale or wait until he comes back. He will have another duty station after Korea and it will not be here, so although we just bought the house last year, there is still another move in our future before our final move when he retires. Decisions, decisions. I'm sure we will figure it out, but for the meantime we are staying put.
Since I have always been bad about pictures, I am not even going to attempt to say I will upload some because the truth is I probably won't. But I do occassionally post some on FB. I will try to be better about the blog, but again my track record can speak for itself :)