Friday, June 18, 2010

Gosh it has been a really long time since I last blogged. Lots going on here in southern Alabama. We closed on the house and finally got moved in, which was quite a feat since Donnie was gone the entire month. We are still unpacking boxes slowly, which makes the house somewhat unsettled. We bought new furniture that will be here today, so at least the house will not be quite so empty. We also got 2 new cats to keep the mice away (not that we have a mice problem, but we have woods around the house and would like to keep it mice free). They have been an adjustment. Not that we are new to cats (but we are preferably dog people). Anyway they have been inside for the last week in order to get accustomed to the house before we let them out. Let me tell you - 2 cats and one litter box makes for contant clean up and lysol spray. I am hoping that will get better once they can go outside. We went and bought the expensive litter that advertises for multiple cats - you know the one where the cat gets the bloodhound to find the litter box.....yes well that is a nice advertising trick because trust me, we had NO problem finding the litter box. OK off my soapbox for now on that subject.

We have friends coming into town tomorrow. They have been in Panama City Beach and I took Tyler down last night. They will only be here for one night but it will be nice to see them. Donnie's dad and Dori and Dori's daughter will be here next week. We got a place on Pensacola Beach for the weekend, but I fear there will be no ocean time for us. The beaches have been closed in Pensacola and Fort Walton due to the oil. It is really sad because Donnie grew up on those beaches and we have become quite fond of them as well and now they will never be the same. I guess we will have to be content with the pool and hanging out at granny's house.

Jackson is getting big as ever. He weighs 15 lbs. and is 29 inches long. He looks like he is at least 1 except for the fact that he can't walk yet. He has 3 teeth that have surfaced in the last week. Hard to believe he is growing up so fast. Vanna will be in 1st grade in the fall and Tyler will start 7th. I remember 7th grade at Bailey Jr. High and I just can't believe Tyler is at that point already.

I will do my best to get pictures these next few weeks (if I can find the camera). More than likely I will post on facebook, but I will try to remember to put some here as well.

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Once again I have fallen behind the curve ball....been super busy with life in general. News on the homefront.....we are looking for a house to buy. We were not going to buy in Alabama since we don't know how long we are going to be here, but since we are on a month to month lease now, the property mgmt company raised our rent almost $100 a month and the house is pretty crappy so we decided we would try to buy before the end of April to get the $8,000 tax credit. We put in an offer on one house Monday but the seller came back with a full price counter - not exactly a counter offer in my opinion. But yesterday we found (well I found since Donnie is out of town) a house and I am going to put in an offer this afternoon. I sent some pics to Donnie but he hasn't seen it in person. Hopefully he trusts me. It was not even listed yet. Our realtor is their realtor so she wasn't listing it until this morning. Hopefully they will accept it since they already bought another property and they have to move soon. Kinda exciting.....will keep you posted.

Donnie is almost done with another 2 classes. Only 7 more til he graduates. Unfortunately he has to take some quantitative reasoning course. I looked up the description and it is math, algebra, functions, statistics, etc. UGH!! Unfortunately math is neither of our strong suits so we will have to put some effort in this together. Other than that, we are both trucking along in school.

Jackson is getting so big. I am putting some new pics on FB this weekend from easter. Hard to believe he is going to be 5 months at the end of the month. Time flies. Well I am at work so I should probably go work.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Boy have I been a slacker on the blog front - I guess b/c I tend to Facebook more. I will try to be better at updating the blog. Jackson is doing great - He is 8 weeks old today! Hard to believe how fast they grow. He is getting sooo big and he wants to eat all the time. He goes in for shots in 2 weeks, which is not a pleasant experience for either of us. He slept thru the night all weekend so I think we are making some progress in that area. He is doing great at daycare and all the ladies there love him. Vanna and Tyler are doing great as well. Report cards come home today so that will determine how our evening goes. Tyler is on break from football but wants to do bowling which starts next month I think. Vanna is still in gymnastics and is loving it. She told Donnie and I this morning that when she makes the gymnastics team we have to pay for alot of stuff and she gets to stay in hotels! How cute is that? She is getting pretty good - Olympics here we come!

Been busy since Jax arrived. Donnie is back in school finishing up his bachelors in business and I started year 2 of law school last week. Have a pretty heavy load this year but hopefully working in an attorney's office everyday will help out.