Monday, December 22, 2008

Winter Wonderland - NOT!

Well here I sit snowed in because Seattle is seeing the worst winter storm in 18 years!!! Of course this would have to happen right before we leave. We have had constant snow since last Sunday - 8 days in a place where it rarely drops below freezing. Don't get me wrong, it does get cold here but the high temps during the winter are usually not in the freezing zone and if they are it is a very short period of time. We are going on 3 weeks of freezing weather. Of course the kids love it. Tyler was out of school 2 days last week and went late the other 3. We went out on Saturday for my birthday because we were under a blizzard watch - I repeat a BLIZZARD watch. If you haven't caught on - I hate the snow, cold, ice and anything that has to do with it (other than the holidays). We went to Walmart Saturday and there was a traffic jam like I have never seen before. Lines of cars in every direction just sitting at a stand still because nobody could move. I don't know if it was Xmas shoppers or people buying supplies for the storm but it was insane. According to weather reports this type of weather is suppose to last until at least the New Year. I certainly hope we thaw before we have to head out to Alabama!

This was taken this is hard to tell but there is about a foot of snow on the ground and a few inches of ice below that. Poor Lily has been using the bathroom on our back porch because the snow is so deep that she sinks!


Mallie&Brandon said...

Oh my! That is crazy, it does look pretty, like a card.
Thank you so much for the Christmas card, it came today and made my day! Happy belated birthday, I hope you had a good one.

Anonymous said...

You are still a Texan at heart!!

Shelby said...

The snow looks beautiful, but I know it must be a mess to get around in.

Enjoyed reading thru your blog tonite.. are you a student at Concord Law in California? I'm interested in learning more about that school. I went to law school last year, but had to drop out .. too much stress.. too much all of it (I have 2 teenagers).. the online classes at Concord REALLY appeals to me.

take care.