Wednesday, July 15, 2009

It's a Boy!!!

We found out today that we are having a boy. We are really excited. I did not really care but if I had my choice it would have been a boy. Even Vanna is excited. The technician was laughing as she took all the baby's measurements. When she showed us that it was a boy he was sticking straight out and she said the reason she was laughing was because he was not at all shy, every time she moved the wand over that area he was showing his stuff. I told her unfortunately that trait seems to run in the family. Anyway there is no mistaking this one - all boy and out for the world to see. His weight is around 15 oz which is normal for 20 weeks but she said his measurements are about 1 1/2-2 weeks larger which could indicate that I am farther along than I thought. Because it is still within the 2 week window they are not going to change my due date but that the baby could arrive anywhere between Nov 22 and Dec 2 so we will have to wait and see. I really don't want to have a huge baby.... tyler and vanna were just over 7lbs so I am not trying to pop out a 10 pounder this time, hopefully my due date is just off.

We went to see the new Harry Potter movie after the appointment. It was really good but now I am saddened because the next movie does not come out until November 2010 and summer 2011. That is far too long to wait without a book to compensate for it. I guess I will have to dig out my books and reread them.

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