Monday, July 14, 2008

Gone Batty!

Part 1

OK so yesterday we had the pleasure of being visited by 3 bats....yes I said BATS!! Now I have heard stories from my neighbor about how bats get into the houses up here and one of my neighbors even had a swarm in her upstairs attic - not exactly my cup of tea ya know. Anyway so yesterday Donnie and I were being completely lazy and unmotivated to do anything but watch the 100 best songs from the 80's on VH1, but somehow I forced myself to the kitchen to make some homemade tea and what greets me upon entering but a baby bat on the window screen. At first I thought it was a big moth and then a spider because I noticed it was furry, but then it opened its wings a bit and I swear I was waiting for Dracula to appear before my very eyes! Donnie managed to take the screen off the window and let the bat go outside....not sure if it made it because it was only a baby.

Part 2

So after that episode we left the house to take Tyler to a Yugio tournament and when we got home Savannah wanted to watch a movie on her portable DVD player in the living room since her room is so hot so I made her a bed on the couch, turned off the lights, put the fan on in the window and started her movie. Donnie and I were in the next room watching Vantage Point when all of a sudden she started screaming that there was a bird in the room. So I jump up and turn on the lights and what do you know....mama bat has made her presence known. This bat flew so fast we could not catch her. Unfortunately for her the Red Rider BB Gun did. So out with that bat and back to the movies, but not before I googled how to catch a bat and found that most of the time bats get into the house and can't find their way back so either open a door or throw a towel over it and take it outside (no mention of the Red Rider BB Gun by the way). So about 15 min later Vanna starts yelling again that there is a bird in the house. So back out we go and sure enough I guess Daddy bat decided to join the fun. This time we threw a towel over it and took it outside. So needless to say the 90 min movie took us almost 3 hours to watch thanks to the bats and poor Savannah is tramatized for life I am sure.

Luckily today we have been bat free (knock on wood).

1 comment:

Mallie&Brandon said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I would have freaked completely. Someone over there must have a pretty good aim, with the RRBBG! I am guessing it is the soldier.