Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Twilight Addict!

I have to admit I have been bitten by the Twilight bug and I am now a complete addict to the series. Tyler was dying to see the movie so when it came out we got it and I really liked it to my surprise. I had heard all the hype when the movie came out but since I had never read any of the books I really did not get it. The only reason I considered seeing it is because the lead actor Rob Pattenson played in the Harry Potter movie and I am a big fan of those so I figured I would get around to see it. So after I saw the movie I read the first book which I had but had not read yet. I finished it in about 5 hours. So I went online to the website and I got the storyline for each of the next 3 books. One thing led to another and the next think I knew I had ordered the remaining books from ebay. Luckily Donnie went to TN this past weekend so I read the remaining 3 books in 2 days - obviously I did not do anything else that weekend, but I could not put them down and the fact that I knew the basis of the storyline made me that much more anxious to see how it all happened. So I am now a self proclaimed Twilight addict and have joined the ranks of all the Edward and Bella fans out there!

1 comment:

Andi said...

I'm with ya! I am on the final book, vowing not to start it until after Easter....I'm hoping I have enough will power to "just say NO" until Monday...It's going to be tough....I can't wait to start it! Love my Edward and Bella!