Since it has been a while since I have posted, I figured I should probably update the blog.
School has been in for about 6 weeks and we are completely busy. Tyler is playing football on post and we have practice everynight and Saturday mornings. Tonight is his first game so we are pretty excited. Hopefully all that practice will pay off in a win tonight. Vanna is still on the waiting list for gymnastics so keeping our fingers crossed that she will get a spot soon. She got the all clear from the cardiologist and we have a follow up this week and then she can play sports on post too. She is anxious for soccer to start in a few months. She runs sprints and even does pull ups with her brother.
Pregnancy is going good....11 more weeks to go. Hard to believe that in less than 3 months the little guy will be here. Still working on a name which will be a work in progress til probably the last minute. We had a 4D ultrasound last week but the little guy kept putting his hands and feet I might add in front of his face. He was also laying right up against my stomach so he kind of looked like a wax figure that was they are going to try again at my next appointment. From what I could see he looks like his brother and sister. We were able to see him stick out his tongue and open his eyes. A friend of mine just had a baby boy 4 weeks ago and we spent some time with her this weekend which was good practice for Savannah, who wants to touch the baby all the time. She did say he cried too much (he really hardly cried at all by the way) so she is probably in for a big shock.
I passed my law school finals and will be starting my 2nd year in January. I am pretty excited because some of the classes I have taken as an undergrad so I will at least have some clue about whats going on I hope. However 12 books for 4 classes at $865.00 does not make me happy. Just started a doctorate foundation course which will run thru November and then I will start my research in March after the baby is here. Needless to say busy is the word.
Work is going the job, love the boss and am actually doing something in my field so all is good.
The next few months will be crazy...we have Tyler's bday in October, Vanna's 2 weeks later in November, the new Twilight movie on November 20 (which is a big deal in our house), Thanksgiving, new baby arrival, my birthday (and Tyler and dad are going to the Miami Dolphin/TN Titan game on my bday - how fair is that?) and then xmas in Florida. I am out of breath just thinking about it. But this is my favorite time of year so I don't mind.
Guess I better go get some work done....
Good to hear from you! Sounds like things are good. When is your exact due date?
The official due date is December 2 but the dr. said it could be a bit earlier than that because he is measuring a week to 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Trying to hold out til December though cuz Vanna's bday is in November and I really don't want to eat hospital food on thanksgiving :)
Glad you love the job .... sounds like Yduj should come visit this Fall, you've got a lot going on!
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