Thursday, March 26, 2009

Baby # 3 is on the way!!

So we just found out that I am pregnant and we are completely excited! It happened really fast - much sooner than I thought as I have only been off the pill since the beginning of March. I took a test on Tuesday and it came out positive so I took another one this morning just to be sure before we told the world. I have not called the DR yet because in the military world you have to take a pregancy test at the lab and then they see you in OB a month or 2 later, but being so newly pregnant I know from experience that my test will come out a "weak positive" and they will make me come back in a few weeks. I checked the due date calculator online and the baby should be here around December 2, but I have a history of late babies so we will see. Poor Donnie - he is the only one in the family with a summer bday - now we have Tyler in October, Vanna in November and me, the new baby and xmas all in december (better start saving our pennies now :). Regardless we are excited and have already started talking about names. Neither of us care what it is since we already have a boy and a girl but if I had my choice I hope it is a boy - they are just easier!


Anonymous said...

It kind of scares me that you think boys are easier!! I've heard other people say that though. Congrats again!! (picking out names is so fun)

The Hake Family said...

Congrats congrats congrats!! Can't wait to follow along with your pregnancy!

Mallie&Brandon said...

WooooooooHooooooooo! This is spectacular news!!