Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Just thought I would share that a name has been decided on-as of right now that is :-) We have decided to call the baby Jackson Walter. Walter is Donnie's great grandfather and Donnie's dad came up with Jackson a while back which I liked back then, but like it even more now since Jackson is one of my favorite characters on Sons of Anarchy (which in case you have never seen it, is a bad ass show on FX about a motocycle gang, if you like that kind of thing). Anyway at least the little guy has a name now and is not just baby. Hopefully it will fit his personality. And apparently I like to have some kind of rhyme or reason to my kids because all of them will be exactly 6 years, 2 weeks apart, all born on a Wed and depending on how you look at it all named after cities: Tyler, Savannah and Jackson.


The Hake Family said...

That is a great name! I love the city theme - at least you are consistent : )

Katie E said...

Love Jackson, sounds like you won the Angus battle. They all have Southern names which is adorable!

Mallie&Brandon said...

Love it Michelle!
I like Walter a lot too.