Sunday, May 25, 2008

What a Day!

So this weekend has been full of fun, kids and all began on Thursday when both of my kids stayed at a friend's house. So having the house to myself was a bit lonely so I went to see the new Indiana Jones movie (which I was not a fan of in case anyone was wondering). The next day I slept in until 9am, went to the gym for 2 hrs and off to my favorite store - Walmart! It is pretty sad that it takes so little to entertain me these days. Anyway the kids came home soon after and brought their friends with them to stay the night. They are the same ages as my kids give or take a few months so they get along good. On Saturday the weather was actually really good for a change so we walked to the park for a watergun fight. After that we headed down to the beach which is close to our house for a few hours. Apparently when the temp gets above 70 that is what people do here. So we packed a lunch and beach toys and headed to the water. The water was very cold, around 50 degrees, so I stayed nice and warm on the beach blanket with my book, but the kids ventured off and got their feet in, but that is about all. It was surprisingly warm and we all even got a bit of sun. From there it was off to a BBQ for a few hours before returning home to crash. But that is when things got a bit interesting.....

Savannah and her friend Caitlin decided to cut Savannah's hair sometime before I woke up. I thought I had the scissors put away in my filing cabinet where they could not get to them, but obviously I was wrong! Caitlin has a short bob with bangs so they decided to give Savannah bangs. She came down the stairs and I was on the phone with Donnie and I could not believe what I saw. Luckily Caitlin did the cutting - she is 5 (like that makes it any better) and at least kept them semi-straight and they only cut her bangs. So after we dropped the kids off at their house, we headed to the salon to get her bangs fixed. She does look kinda cute I will admit but her hair has been growing for 4 years with the exception of regular trims so I will admit I was devastated. But she thinks she is too cute so I guess it is OK, that is until the growing out phase begins.

The weather is pretty crappy today as usual so the kids and I are headed to Tyler's room to play Tomb Raider on the XBOX 360, which is one of my favorite games. We have had it since xmas so it is about time we give it a run. Speaking of running, I am very excited to be able to start running again this week. The dr. told me no running for 2-3 weeks and tomorrow makes 2 weeks so I figured I waited long enough. I have been at the gym everyday either on the elliptical machine or the bike, but it is not the same. Who would have thought the girl who hated to run would actually miss it once it is gone. I am looking for another race to run so maybe I have become a runner.....

Anyway here are a couple of pics of Vanna's new do....those of you with little girls beware.....this is in your future!

Doesn't it look like trouble??? She must get it from her dad :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like the new hair... she looks so much like you! And, at least she wasn't beattle-ized, I still have internal scars from that experience.