Tonight is the big night - the formal. Of course I should be getting ready now but I figured this was worth mentioning to set the stage in the event I have a wardrobe malfunction tonight. So if you remember from my last post, the dress is backless and pretty low cut so the saleslady gave me these sticky things to keep my boobs in place. Well luckily I decided to try everything on last weekend and came to realize the sticky things are probably for people with smaller boobs than I have or maybe I still had some lotion on or something - whatever the reason it did not work at all. So I reached for the duct tape (can you tell I was desperate?) That would have worked except you could see the tape thru my dress. Next stop - PANIC MODE! So I get online and look at Victoria Secret and Fredericks for some kind of apparatus that will work for my dress. Mind you this is 5 days before the formal and time is of the essense. I found some more sticky things on Fredericks that looked a bit more substantial but still made me nervous. Victoria Secret has this nifty bra called the 100 way bra and it apparently can do whatever including backless - SOLD! So the bra is $58 and then to express ship it to me was almost $30. So there I am at the checkout about to spend $100 on a bra that may not even work for me. Luckily I decided to check EBAY before I bought it and low and behold they had the same bra, brand new for $36. I did spend $20 extra to ship it to me but I still made out cheaper than the price of the bra on VS.
So I get the bra and it is pretty cool - about 50 different slits to put the straps wherever you need them and the strap between the cups is clear - exactly what I needed. So I attach the backless converter to the bra and put on the dress.....I think we have found a winner. Of course the backless strap wraps around your stomach and attaches in the back so I will be squeezed to death all night, but at least my boobs will stay in place. A small price to pay for the sake of fashion! I will post pics when I get them if they came out good :-) !
Good bad or indifferent, we want pics of this dress!! : )
Yes, I probably should have mentioned that the sticky things are more for itty bitty tittys. Oh, and duct taping your boobs totally reminded me of 6th grade.
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