Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Been Awhile!

Oh my has it been a while since I have is amazing how fast time flies when your life changes. So I guess in my last post Tyler had just started school and Vanna finally had a place for preschool. Oh yeah and I had not started law school yet! So in the past month my life has been completely turned upside down with this law school thing. It has ultimately consumed every free minute (not like there are that many free minutes when you have kids) of my day. In addition to that we have soccer 5 nights a week, Tyler has lots of homework and oh yeah....he has decided to play the flute, which I must say is alot harder than it looks - Jenny you totally rocked the flute when we were little by the way! I would also like to point out that our parents really put up with alot for those of us that thought we had musical talents.....Mallie, Katie, Holly and Jenny. I cringe when Tyler practices his flute so I can only imagine how horrible we all sounded when we started orchestra at good old Duff Elementary! Anyway my boring life that I used to blog about so frequently has turned into a tornado and I dont know if I am coming or going.

Our typical day begins with getting the boy off to school at 7:30am and on Tuesdays/Thurs I take Vanna to school. Then off to the gym because I am running another marathon next year and figure if I want to do better I should train more, not to mention I have recruited some new blood for the next race. After picking Vanna up from school, we run any errands that are needed and head home for lunch. After lunch she kindly plays in her room and I hit the books til about 4pm when Tyler gets home. We eat a quick dinner and then off to soccer until after 6pm. Then we come home and help with homework, flute, reading etc - get the kids a bath and ready for the next day and hopefully they are in bed between 8:30-9pm. At that point I have a choice - more studying or do the dishes, laundry etc. Most of the time bed wins out I must say. I realize I am whining a bit and I am sure this is an adjustment period and will get better - my fingers are crossed :). I just honestly did not expect this much drama. Law school is hard, really hard. I knew it would be challenging but holy crap it is crazy. I have joined the student bar association and we have a support group and everyone feels the same way, there are even some paralegals in the class who are completely overwhelmed and they deal with the stuff everyday. I am sure it will all work out. I have volunteered to write for the university paper - about what I am not sure but it might be cool....I can probably fit that in somewhere....haha. OK I will stop whining!

I am sure I have pictures somewhere but for the life of me I don't even remember what I have done with my camera. Donnie is home until Katies BDay so we have him here for a bit longer. He is on leave for 2 weeks which I really enjoy but I have to say has messed up my schedule a bit. We have a military formal coming up in a few weeks so hopefully I will have some picts to share - that is if I can find a darn dress. My friend and I are going dress shopping this weekend. I was at the mall last week and found some really nice dresses in the junior department for homecoming. I tried on several and I could not get them to fit in the boobs!! Now I am average boobage - and those puppies were squished like you would not believe. It led me to believe that in this appearence crazed world where a size 6 is fat these days, that apparently teenagers do not have boobs which is why none of the dresses have boobie room. So the search continues.

So I will try to do better to keep this updated. I enjoyed catching up on everyone else's life - especially the stroller skating....and yes those skates looked like the skates we used at the rink across from kroger when we were in elementary school! If it makes you feel any better I took the kids skating about a month ago here and they have the same skates....uber dorky!


Mallie&Brandon said...

Hey!!!! So glad to have an update.
First, I am uberly impressed with you and you schedule. I imagine you will get all As in Law School, too. Second, you rocked the violin, You and Andrea in your black and white polka dots. The rest of us, I'm not so sure...

The Hake Family said...

I think Jim and Kit would definitely agree that my flute skills were lacking - I laughed out loud at this blog : )

Anonymous said...

Busy momma! Glad D is home - I know you miss him. So, my dad does not remember telling me I had to practice the violin in my closet. He's trying to blame my mom. I'm thinking Yduj did not make you practice in your closet and that is why you were so good.

shelle said...

I don't remember you practicing in the closet and I don't remember the black and white polka dots...I do remember Andrea being really good though. And I think I remember you and Mallie sword fighting in the back of the orchestra and getting yelled at...those were the days! and to think it all started in elementary with our teacher who I cant remember her name but she had the most god awful perfume...CONFESS!

Mallie&Brandon said...

i hated that lady. she was mean and her perfume was not the only God awful thing about her... What was her name????????????