Saturday, June 14, 2008

5th Grade

Yesterday was Tyler's last day of school and he is now officially a 5th grader. It is hard to believe that time has flown by like this. I can remember being a Duff Mustang 5th grader and trying to accept the horrors of entering Mrs. Marshall's 6th grade class and wondering how I was going to survive - those of you who had the priviledge of sharing that pain with me know exactly what I mean. Anyway Tyler had an awesome report card, which is so exciting because he had so much trouble in the TN school system when we were there and his grades were not very good. He has worked very hard and is on grade level and doing great. Hopefully one more year here will prepare him for middle school without any problems. His teacher was wonderful and really played a huge role in his success. She has a son Tyler's age and a daughter Vanna's age so I think we will definately get together over the summer since both of our husbands are deployed. She even wants to run the marathon with me next year - hope she knows what she is in for!

So my mom is coming in tonight for my graduation. She lands at 11pm in Seattle. The kids are very excited. She is quite funny because she thinks she is some kind of jet setter (somehow I don't think flying from KS to WA and CT qualifies) but whatever floats her boat. I will post some pictures of our adventures this week. One of these days I might get my brother up here but he is such a putz that I highly doubt it. Hopefully the weather will be decent this week - I am not asking for much, just some sun. The sun has come out 2 days this week for a bit and it was truly exciting. We have literally not seen the sun since May. My distain for this place grows each and every day.

This is Tyler and Vanna at Tyler's field day (pre-haircut by the way). He fought me on the haircut but I was not letting my mother see him like this. Notice the cloudy weather....the sun came out a while later and I actually ditched the rest of field day so I could mow my grass - how crazy is that? Oh and just in case you were wondering - yes we are in sweatshirts in June!!! Just goes to show that the weather and lack of sun makes people do strange things.

You can't really tell but this is after his haircut....I call this his official 5th grade picture for now.


Mallie&Brandon said...

Cute! I can not wait to see your pics from this week! Congrats and have fun with your sweet mama. i will pray for sun

Anonymous said...

What a handsome boy. Field day already?? We were just at field day - he's growing up too fast.