Sunday, June 29, 2008

Heat Wave!!!

So after months of complaining about the cold, rain and clouds, mother nature has finally decided to bring summer up here to the northwest (at least I think). We have had record highs this the 90's. Now for a southern girl like myself and most of you who read this blog, 90's don't really seem like that big of a deal and under normal "southern" circumstances I would agree.....however since we tend to have 9-10 months of winter here (I just turned off my heat 3 weeks ago and yes it is June) there are no air conditioners in the homes here. Which means that when it is 90 degrees outside, it is freakin hot in the houses. Savannah's room is upstairs and it is so hot she has not been in it in a few days. We have all the windows open and the curtains and blinds closed on those windows that don't open. We have fans going in every room and all the lights out but right now the inside temperature gauge on the thermostat is reading off the charts and it stops at 85 degrees. Tyler's room is downstairs in the finished basement and it is cooler there so we will be crashing with him I guess. I am definately not going to complain about the heat and sun since we have not seen it in ages, but it does present a whole other set of issues. I guess when Donnie comes home we will go looking for a portable air conditioner for the main floor and upstairs for Vanna. So I will enjoy the weather while it lasts because I am sure the heat will be on again sooner than later (last year it came on in September). All I need now is some good old fashion sweet tea which I will have to make myself because it does not exist up here.

1 comment:

The Hake Family said...

I'm sorry, I don't understand a world without A/C : )

Enjoy the heat!