Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Words of Wisdom from the Flossing Fairy!

I have to say I feel like the worst mother in the world..... we went to the dentist today for all of us to get our cleanings and xrays and savannah has 2 cavities!!! One of them is really big and she was referred to a childrens dentist to fill it. I am quite upset about this revelation because Savannah is a very good brusher - she brushes faithfully 2x a day with her automatic Hello Kitty toothbrush and uses a kids flouride rinse and yet she still has cavities. I just wanted to cry in the office. My son on the other hand, which takes an act of God to get him to brush the fur off his teeth is perfectly fine. I have to say this irritated me, not because I want him to have cavities but because I struggle with him daily to brush his teeth and yet Savannah does it without being told and still winds up with cavities. I also am semi-careful about the sugar they eat. We buy sugar free soda, syrup, juice etc. If they make it in SF then that is what I usually buy. But the dentist told me it is from not flossing. Now I know I am not the best flosser in the world - in fact I pretty much suck at it. I stick with it for a while after visiting the dentist but it is just not a habit I have stuck with and neither have the kids. So because of that my baby needs a filling or 2. So a word to the wise..... if you don't floss - start and if you don't floss your kid's teeth - start now!

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