Wednesday, March 26, 2008

First Game

So Monday night was my first game. We won 2-0 and played really good considering we only practiced 2 times prior to the game. Our goalie broke her hand and has rods in her fingers so we are short a goalie so lucky me got to play goalie for the first half. I have to say it is quite an intimidating position for someone who has never played goalie before but I guess since I did not allow any goals, I did OK. It is actually alot like playing volleyball - watching the angles of the shots and players and trying to figure out where the ball is going to land. It was an experience. The second half I played forward, which I prefer, and took some shots on goal, but no dice. That's OK though. It was alot harder than I thought it would be - I guess cuz I am not 15 anymore. I talked the colonel's wife (the one who suckered me into the marathon) into playing so she will attend her first practice tonight. It should be fun. Apparently there is only one team out of the 5 on post that is super competitive and we play them next. They are called the Warriors and from what I have heard are out for blood (reminds me of our high school rivalry with Martin). Hopefully after that it will be just good old fashion soccer fun.

Friday, March 21, 2008

Half Way Wake Up Call

So it hit me this morning as I was at the gym running 6 miles that I am at my half-way point in my marathon training. Trying to convince myself that I was surely mistaken, the first thing I did was look at a calendar when I got back to the car and unfortunately it must have been denial that kept me from realizing the truth. So in about 6 short weeks, I will be venturing off on a 13.1 mile trek through one of the hilliest cities I have ever been to. I guess this really means no more cookie dough!

Tyler was sent home from school today for being sick. So since he missed his Easter party at school, I am making him one of his favorite foods - pasta salad and I even made homemade sweet tea, which both him and Donnie have been whining for. Now that he is home, I sure am glad I waited until the last minute to take care of buying Easter stuff! Luckily he is old enough to where I can leave him home if I have to in order to finish up some last minute stuff. Speaking of Easter baskets, I got Lily a basket today. I also got her a new outfit (it is so cute.... a denim skirt and pink tank top and the back pocket says Doggie Couture). She also got some doggy treats for her basket. I don't care what people say.... she is NOT spoiled!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Crazy Weekend

Well, it has been a bit since I last posted....Donnie came home last week and we have been busy ever since. We went to a bunch of "get togethers" which has become the code word for food and drinking. The promotion list for Donnie's soldiers came out and a couple of his soldiers and our friends got promoted so of course this was yet another excuse to party. Of course since I always seem to be the D.D. I don't really do much of the drinking, but it is still a good time. The weekend was consumed of soccer for Vanna (Tyler's team had to forfeit their game because they only had 7 players and the other coach from another base would not play down and was going to play with 11 kids, which is a whole other story that I will have to blog about someday). We also had a unit easter egg hunt and a family fun night on Friday. So the weekend was pretty much a blur as will this coming weekend be. We have 3 soccer games on Saturday, plus Lily has to get shots and Vanna has her end of season soccer party at the bowling alley for 2 hrs. Saturday night we are supposed to go sing karaoke with friends, which is actually another excuse to hang out and drink. And shame on me.....I did not realize easter was this Sunday - I really thought I had another week, so we will be scrambling to get ready for that. I think we are going to get together with a bunch of people and have lots of food, alcohol and cards (which is our typical holiday gatherings here). Gosh I make it sound like we are a bunch of alcoholics, but we really are not - just like to have a good time.

On a somber note, I did not get accepted to the law school here in Washington. I was pretty bummed because I have a masters degree and a 4.0 grade point average and decent test scores so it kind of makes you wonder what more do you have to do to get into law school. I guess I should not be depressed - only 180 got accepted out of 2400 applicants so apparently I am not alone on the loser list. Maybe it is a blessing in disguise....we like Washington but do not want to stay here so the first chance that comes up to get stationed somewhere else we will take it and be outta here so I guess it is better that I am in school here. Oh well, I will just have to wait for the rest of the letters to come rolling in and see where that takes us.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Technically Challenged

So I have made no secret of the fact that I am technically challenged when it comes to computers. In fact, I think God is trying to tell me that I need a new laptop because I can't seem to get mine to do anything I want. Take today for example: I was writing a paper that is due tonight (remember I am the procrastinator) and just as I was about to submit it, my wireless mouse froze and I could not do a damn thing. So as the panic set in, I called my brother who has 4 degrees of the computer persuasion and begged him to help "fix it". Of course he found humor in my pain as most brothers would, but he found it in the goodness of his heart to fix my problem. So after that near miss of a heart attack (I did get my paper turned in with time to spare) I decided I would post some pictures on myspace and in this blog. Well 2 hours later I am still sitting here trying to get this stupid thing to work. I am confident it is a computer issue and not user error....haha - LOL. Yeah right - anyway so I finally figured out how to put a pic of Lily on my blog but am still trying to figure out how to put a pic with a posting. So the point of all of this is that if my blog seems to be taking on an odd looking appearence in the near future....remember it is the computer's fault.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Last MInute Routine

Well, Donnie was supposed to be home very, very soon but he just left me a VM that things may have changed - which is really not all that unusual and in fact expected. But see, me being your typical procrastinator, decided today prior to the VM that I was going to be ahead of the game. When hubby leaves, I tend to let a few things slide around the house such as the laundry and the grocery shopping. I usually don't cook big dinners, the kids and I have soup or sandwiches or cereal. Basically I keep things simple. In fact you would probably find most military wives engage in this routine in one way or another. After being alone with the kids for X number of weeks that sink full of dishes or pile of clean laundry that has been sitting in the basket for 2 weeks really doesn't seem like that big of a deal. Well my normal routine is to wait until the last minute to clean the house, laundry, cars, etc so everything has that fresh feeling to it and hopefully gives off the impression it has been like that since he left (of course Donnie knows me too well and knows I do this, but is nice enough not to comment on it). Well I figured I would get everything done early so I don't have to stress right before he comes home. So today I cleaned the entire house, did all the laundry and even put it away, which is one of those things that slides when he is gone and went grocery shopping. I even took Lily to the doggy spa for a new haircut and a bath (I will post pics later cuz she is so cute with her new haircut and bow.) Yeah well alot of good all that effort did. After 13 years of this you would think I would realize to stick with what I know best and that is procrastinating. So who knows how many more times this routine will be practiced this month? So much for being proactive.

On a different was completely awesome. I play for the Lady Dragons and we are of Our first game is in a week so I am really excited. Even though it has been so long since I have last played, once I got out there it seemed like just yesterday (of course my butt is bigger and I probably don't move like I used to, but who pays attention to those little details). Katie has already warned me that soccer has become quite the physical sport with the younger kids in TX and apparently that feeling is mutual here because my team told me they got manhandled by an indoor team of 15 yr olds who were crazy and intense and screaming at everyone. Sounds like good old fashion soccer to me.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Lost My Mind!

Ok, so this blog may be easier than I thought. I think I am having a pre-midlife crisis. For those of you that don't know, I have signed up to run in my first marathon in May - it is technically a half marathon (13.1 miles) but frankly, anything over 5 miles is a marathon to me. So I got this brilliant idea from the colonel's wife that we should run one and since this idea has entered my mind on and off for the last few years, I decided to go for it. Well now that I am officially registered, I have realized that this is really happening - by the way if any of you want to see the hell that I have promised myself to it is at Ok, well I am really not too worried about the marathon because Donnie and I have already run the distance before he deployed. It was actually a week into the training and I made it about 9-10 miles - a giant feet in my book since I am not all that fond of running. So with 4 more months of running behind me, I feel pretty confident that I will be fine. So why the mid life crisis you ask? Well today, I got the brilliant idea to play soccer for the Ft. Lewis women's team. So I went and signed up and start practicing tomorrow. To be honest, I have had the bug for a bit, but never acted on it....until now. So I got on a rec team where most of the players are new (thank goodness) so hopefully I won't be the crappiest person on the team. I do have several years of soccer experience behind me - I just hope that I can find it come tomorrow. I'm actually doing it for my son, who plays soccer and loves it, but just doesn't get it. Maybe this will help. And to make matters worse, I have found an indoor league just a few miles from here that I am looking into as well. I think I am reliving the days of my youth - hence the midlife crisis!!!

Monday, March 3, 2008

Welcome to My Life!

Well, at the urging of some of my Texas friends, I have joined the world of blogging....pretty scary for someone who just purchased her first PDA in December. Technology is not really my thing I would have to say. I don't care how it works, I just want it to do what I need it to do once I turn the thing on and I don't want to go thru 100 steps to get there. So with all that in mind, I am jumping into this world I know nothing about. I am not quite sure what to blog is pretty boring at the moment. But I am sure I will find something to complain and rant about at least a few times a week..... in fact since I have 2 young kids, am a full time student and married to the military in a time of war, I am sure I will have plenty to BS about. So stay tuned....