Monday, April 14, 2008

Just Ranting!

Wow I must be setting a record for blogging 2x in one day but I had to vent about this. Santa brought Savannah a Dora the Explorer Megahut playhouse for xmas which is made by Playhut. If you are not familiar with playhut it is the company that makes those groovy nylon playhouses which are "supposed" to fold down flat and fit nicely in their carrying case. Well this particular MEGAHOUSE is 5ft x 5ft - the thing is huge to say the least. Well about a month after xmas it started leaning forward and now it has completely fallen over. So I called QVC where Santa shops and they told me to send it back and I could get a new one. Sounds easy right? Ha!! This thing took us 2 days to get folded up and put back in its case. I lost the directions so I had to go to to find the instructions to fold it down. Tyler and I wrestled with this thing for a while and then I gave up until last night when I realized that Donnie was going to be gone and I still had not gotten the darn thing folded yet. So Donnie, Tyler and I struggled to get the thing back in the case. If I had a video camera we would have looked like the crocodile hunter wrestling a croc....I'm sure it was a sight to see. However - we won and got the thing folded so now my next problem is finding a box to fit the thing because I did not think I would be returning it so now I am boxless. Hopefully the lovely people at the UPS store can hook me up. So as my ranting comes to a close - beware of the playhut is not as simple as 1-2-3...or of course it could just be user error :)

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