So with the upcoming move having no definite dates, our living situation is a bit in limbo. We don't know when, where, how get the point. So I have been trying to steamline the things we have going on at the moment, including my graduation ceremony. Originally, the kids and I were flying to Phoenix, AZ in July for my ceremony. Donnie will be deployed still so he will miss all the fun in the sun. But with the uncertainty of us moving at a moment's notice, I figured it would be better to save the money of the trip, especially since the kids and I are flying to New York this summer as well. I am now attending the ceremony here at the Washington campus, which is fine except I will not have the opportunity to meet the 2 girls who have been in my group since 2006....but hey that's what myspace is for right? Anyway, my mother has graciously decided to fly up to attend the ceremony with me. Of course it's not like I had to twist her arm, the weather here in June is a bit more comfortable than the heat of Kansas. So we are excited because it does get a wee bit lonely when the hubby is gone for so long and you spend the majority of your days talking about Dora and Yugio.
Just other stuff..... So we have a bye week for soccer this week, which I am kinda glad of. The weather has been so crappy here literally since October. I used to be a fan of rainy days, but since living here I don't care if I don't see another drop of rain for the rest of my life. I absolutely hate it. And the sad part is I am not exaggerating when I say it has been raining since October. We had one nice day about 2 weeks ago and back to even snowed this past weekend. And the forecast for the next 10 days - Surprise (LOL) RAIN!!! From what I hear, spring is almost 2 months late here - well that figures since we live here now. I can completely see why this city has the most depression in the country and why everyone is addicted to Starbucks... a habit I have not picked up, but maybe I should - it may make staring at the clouds more interesting.
OK - enough of the ranting about Washington. I am sure my feelings are mostly because I know we are leaving and I want nothing more than to get back to the south. We are looking for homes in TN right now that we can buy now since the housing market is slow and that way when our tour is done in Alabama we can just move home and never move again. House hunting has proven to be challenging because this is the house we want to retire in so we are being a bit picky. We want a big house with lots of acres for Donnie's toys (dirt bikes, motorcycles 4-wheelers) but it still needs to be close enough to the city so I can work. We have found some but its not the house yet.....So the house hunting continues.
Yduj to the rescue! I'm jealous you're going to New York'll have to post lots of pics.
Good luck girl - you have so much going on it makes me tired : )
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